Write! Research Shows You Will Be Happier and More Successful

by Rosemarie Perla
Write to deal with anxiety
Write to deal with anxiety

Situations in our work lives, can evoke strong emotions: a tense meeting, challenging changes in the organization, a co-worker gets let go…or you are told your position is cut. How to manage and respond with your best self? I often encourage clients to use this simple and incredibly effective writing tool to get clear on what they want, what they believe and what they think.



Leadership and Professional Executive Coaching
In my role as an Executive Coach, I see a lot of very talented business owners and leaders who are cracking under the pressure and responsibilities of extremely demanding jobs. They want to make a big impact but are being pulled in every direction, losing themselves within the large system in which they must operate.
The stress of it weighs them down, feeding negative thinking and making it harder for them to keep a bird’s eye view, mental agility, and balance that true leadership requires.