Perla Coaching - 2023 Logo MIX

“To be a great leader you must first know who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to contribute. That clarity gives you the calmness to handle challenges and be your best, while bringing the best out in others.”

—Rosemarie Perla


As an Executive Coach, I am the “thinking partner” to talented leaders in for-profit and 

non-profit businesses who seek to navigate complex challenges with ease.

Is this you?

You want to make a big impact but are cracking under the pressure and responsibilities of an extremely demanding job.
You are being pulled in every direction, tasked with inventing new systems while still operating within the rigid rules of the old ones.
Stress weighs you down, feeding negative thinking and making you less confident in your abilities. It is hard for you to express yourself and keep the bird’s eye view, mental agility, and balance the work requires.

Through coaching, you will become:

A leader who can handle complex realities and rapid changes without losing track of your values.
A leader who can speak the hard truths and make tough decisions while respecting the humanity of all involved.
A leader who cultivates people’s most creative thinking, bridging differences of opinions and personalities into constructive ways forward.